What is TDR Global?
TDR Global is a worldwide community of passionate scientists and experts who have been working with TDR in research on infectious diseases of poverty
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For over 40 years, TDR has been working hard at fighting diseases of poverty, engaging researchers and experts from all over the world in its efforts. Each individual brings unique knowledge to the table, and together we make up a vibrant scientific community called TDR Global.

This website serves as a one-stop communication home and messaging hub for TDR Global champions. It serves as a helpful aid for those interested in celebrating and disseminating the stories of these special projects and the people driving them.


We’ve made it easy to share our stories. Choose a project and select the pre-packaged content best suited to your preferred social media platform or communication channel.


Access the TDR Global Brand Guide to read over our branding guidelines and learn about best practices for different social media platforms.


Access our calendar to easily find international days of awareness, which allows you the opportunity to plan your messaging activities according to a certain theme or day.

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The TDR Global community is committed to driving and encouraging the mentoring of young scientists and to fostering research collaborations.